We are one of the eminent Cooling Tower PVC Drift Eliminator Manufacturers in Kolkata, West Bengal. Drift eliminators are used to capture water droplets in the air stream. Entrapping these droplets is important for not only conserving water as a resource but also to prevent cooling tower water from contaminating the area peripheral to the cooling tower.
The cooling tower industry uses drift rate to compare drift eliminator performance, a relationship that correlates droplet capture efficiency to the water circulation rate in a tower.
Raycool’s Cooling Tower PVC Drift Eliminator are specifically designed to achieve maximum drift removal efficiency in both cross flow and counter flow cooling tower applications with various product options available to minimize pressure drop, drift loss, cost, or a combination of all three.
In each and every cooling tower, there is an amount of evaporative water loss to the environment. Drift eliminators are designed to minimize how much water is actually carried out of the tower with the exhaust air. Simply put, keeping water droplets from exiting the tower is a drift eliminators’ main responsibility
Effective and efficient drift eliminators will remove these water droplets from the air and minimize the loss of processed water within the tower. This cooling tower part can swiftly change the direction of the water droplets in the air. If working effectively, the water will then be separated from the air. This eventually leads to the droplets being pulled back into the tower. The amount of circulating water is then limited from the cooling tower’s exhaust. There is no doubt that these drift eliminators serve a crucial purpose within the cooling tower. Create a sudden change of direction in air stream. Separate droplets from the air. Deposit these drops on the eliminator surface. Droplets drain back into the tower.
There are only few drift eliminator materials used by manufacturers today. However, this makes options easier, which does not necessarily skimp on quality since they are also designed to serve their purposes best.